Investment Opportunities
Manufacturing Sector Investment Opportunities

Heavy industries
Exploration, exploitation & production of coal, oil & gas and minerals deposits in joint ventures with the government of KenyaManufacture of construction materials & equipment
Scalable low-cost construction technology & modern innovative building technologies
Textiles & Apparel Production
90% of the fabric used in Kenya's apparel sector is imported. There is therefore a great opportunity for import substitution through local production.
ICT products & Services
Local consumer and light electronics assemblyAgro-processing opportunities
Local value addition for tea, coffee, meat, dairy, fruits, nuts & oils, fish, feed mills, warehousing and cold chains
Leather processing
Processing of finished leather and leather goods, substituting approximately USD 86M in shoe imports yearly
Affordable Housing Investment Opportunities

Scalable low-cost construction technology and modern innovative building technologies
Industrial Park development and setting up factories for Industrial Building Systems (IBS) for timely delivery of construction inputs
Financing of affordable homes, investments in the housing fund, provision of affordable long-term Tenant Purchase Schemes ( TPS)
Scalable low-cost construction technology & modern innovative building technologies
Construction and operation of social and commercial amenities within developments
Engage in joint ventures with county governments towards delivery of affordable housing in respective counties and in urban planning
Food & Nutrition Security Investment Opportunities

Large-scale commercial agricultural production
Fisheries (aquaculture), Crop production, Orchards, Animal products (dairy & meat)
Production of agricultural inputs
Local manufacture, distribution & direct sales of fertilizers, high quality animals feeds, pesticides, certified crop seeds, livestock feed mills & animal brood stock
Agricultural equipment
Leasing, directs sales & operation of warehousing, cold store chains, driers, storage & handling equipment, tractors, trans-planters, combined harvesters, weeders & irrigation equipment
Agriculture support service
Dairy processing and cold chain development, provision of crops and animal insurance services
Universal Health Coverage Investment Opportunities

Private healthcare facilities and services
Enhance low-cost private insurance coverage and schemes